X-factor: Grumpy old men gag Hardaway

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Heat bumbles upset bid in Chicago

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Scottie Pippen says the Bulls focused on Tim Hardaway.
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Michael Jordan responds to the claims that the Bulls are old. (Courtesy: NBA/TNT Sports)
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For the Miami Heat, only one day separated the end of the second round and the beginning of the Eastern Conference finals.

The Chicago Bulls had nearly a week of rest -- much-needed rest, according to Miami's Tim Hardaway.

Hardaway shot chart
Tim Hardaway never found his range, going four for 14 in Game 1.
"I don't want to say that they're old, but they're up in age," Hardaway said the day before the series began. "I think the rest will help them."

Perhaps it did help the Bulls ... help them contain Hardaway, that is, during an 84-77 Chicago victory Tuesday night.

Hardaway, who scored 38 points against New York on Sunday, mustered only 13 points in 48 minutes against Chicago. He was just four for 14 from the field, two for eight from 3-point range and three for six from the foul line.

Led by Ron Harper, the Bulls were able to contain Hardaway and the Heat's pick-and-roll play in the second half, forcing the Heat into bad passes. Miami had four turnovers in one crucial three-minute stretch of the final quarter.

"We weren't real aggressive, real forceful or real strong with the ball," Hardaway said. "They were slapping the ball out of our hands. We were jumping up in the air and throwing the ball away."

"That was our focus point. We didn't want Tim to come out and hurt us with the screen-and-roll," Bulls forward Scottie Pippen said. "Ron did a great job ... our rotation was great in the second half."

Harper, 33, and Michael Jordan, 34, shared the task of guarding the 30-year-old Hardaway.

"In the first half, we probably looked like an old team: missing layups, not really playing with the rhythm we're capable of," Jordan said. "In the second half, we played a little younger.

"Our defensive intensity was there," Jordan said. "We limited them to six field goals in the second half (and caused) 11 turnovers. So it didn't sound like old men to me."

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