Up-to-the-minute pregame notebook

ESPNET SportsZone

Bulls complete their drive for five

NBA Finals page

Editor's note: The Zone roamed the United Center in the hours leading up to Game 6, and we passed the information on to you.

CHICAGO -- Michael Jordan arrived at the United Center about 1½ hours before tip-off, looking fully recovered from his bout with the flu.

Jordan, who missed Thursday's practice, said he wants to wrap up the championship tonight.

"I'd really like to have Saturday and Sunday off," he said.

Randy Brown
Michael Jordan
Bulls guard Randy Brown said Jordan looked good at the team shoot-around this morning.

"He looks fine," Brown said. "He was the first guy out there shooting, and he looks a lot better today."

Jordan, back in the restricted area of the Bulls locker room, had his game face on as tip-off approached.

"I can tell when he's really mentally into a basketball game," Brown said. "His eyes are really focused, and he's definitely ready."

Last year, when the Bulls beat Seattle in Game 6 to win the championship, Jordan and Brown wrestled on the ground for control of the game ball. Jordan won.

"I'll get it (this time)," Brown joked today. "I don't care if I'm not in the game or if I'm the top row of the stands. It's my ball, and I don't care.

"Michael said I could have it, so that means I'll only have to wrestle 10 other guys for it."

All jokes aside, Brown said the Bulls weren't banking on a postgame celebration tonight.

"We're very confident because we're at home," he said, "but we're not looking by this one."

This one's for Frank

Assistant coach Frank Hamblen, who joined the team in September, and forward-center Brian Williams, who signed on in April, are the only Bulls who don't have championship rings.

Jordan has said one of his motivations this season is to get a ring for Hamblen.

"That felt terrific," Hamblen said of Jordan's statement. "Not many people get the opportunity to be around Michael on a daily basis, and that makes you feel well enough. But to have him say that was really special.

"I really appreciate him saying that and drawing motivation from that."

Jordan drew the same type of self-motivation in 1992, during Chicago's second title run, when he wanted to help veteran guard Bobby Hansen get a ring. Hansen was nearing the end of a decade-long playing career when the Bulls won the championship in 1992. Hamblen, however, is in his 28th season in pro basketball.

"I try not to think about it," Hamblen said of finally winning a championship. "Obviously I'd like to wrap it up tonight, but this is gonna be a tough game, so I'm not thinking anything past that. I'm sure it will really hit me if it does happen."

Revenge is loud

Payback can be a pain.

The morning of Game 3 in Salt Lake City, a radio station hired a marching band to play outside the Bulls' hotel in the early hours of the morning.

So this morning, people at the Jazz hotel were greeted at 6:30 a.m. by a bag-pipe troupe.

Taking the game home with you

The folding seats at courtside in the United Center are adorned with cushions that say "Drive for Five." A courtside ticket-holder can buy the entire chair for $275 as a souvenir.

It sounds like a lot of money, but it's chump change to United Center regulars like Gene Siskel.

Rodman's fine not steep enough

Jazz forward Antoine Carr said Dennis Rodman should've been fined more than $50,000 for his insulting comments about Mormon.

"I'm against any kind of prejudice," Carr said.


Jordan poked head into main locker room 43 minutes before game to drop a pair of shoes in his locker.

"Terrific," he said when asked how he felt.

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