Bulls vs. Bullets

Neil Funk
Don't look for the Chicago Bulls to sweep the surging Washington Bullets in the first round of the NBA playoffs, said Bulls play-by-play announcer Neil Funk.

In a chat session as this week's NBA In The Paint Chat guest, the 22-year broadcasting veteran said that despite the Bulls' outstanding record in the opening round of the playoffs, he foresees the Bullets will give them a battle. He also talked about Charles Barkley joining the Bulls, whether Michael Jordan and Phil Jackson will be back next season, and other topics.

If you missed his April 25 chat, here is an edited transcript:

J.P.: How has Jordan evolved as a player in the six years you have covered the Bulls?

Neil Funk: I think, for one thing, he is much smarter at this stage in his career. He has always had a great understanding of the game but now he understands his teammates as well as the game. That has been critical to his success.

The other thing is that Michael understands that he is not 24 years old anymore and that has led him to change his game a bit. He takes what is given him and doesn't create as much on his own. That is not to say he can't do the things he once did, but now he is just more selective.

Joe: What has been the biggest surprise from the Bulls this season?

Neil Funk: I would have to say that the Bulls were able to maintain the same level of play night after night, the same as they did last year. When you come back from a year like last year, there is every opportunity to come back with a lack of desire. I think they have not done that and have played at the highest level they could.

Revo: Do you think this year will be more of a challenge to repeat?

Neil Funk is in his sixth season as the Bulls play-by-play announcer. Prior to his Bulls assignment he served as announcer for the Philadelphia 76ers games for four seasons.

Funk was the recipient of an Emmy award for his broadcasting in 1989. He began his career in 1971 announcing for the University of Illinois basketball and football teams and also called games for the Danville Warriors, a Milwaukee Brewers farm club.

His first NBA stint was in 1976-77 when he broadcast the Sixers before he moved to Kansas City to announce Kings games. While serving as the Kings broadcaster, he was named the state of Missouri's best sports broadcaster three times. He returned to Philadelphia where he broadcasted the Sixers games for three years before leaving and doing play-by-play for the New Jersey Nets for another three years.

Neil Funk: I think anytime that you are in a repeat situation it becomes more difficult. Every team is gunning for you and you have to come to play every night. I think also that it looked at the beginning of the year that it might be a cakewalk. But as the season has evolved we have seen teams emerge, especially in the East. The competition is going to be tougher, and let's face it, the Bulls are a year older. So yes, it will be more of a challenge.

Ramhead: Will the Bulls get rid of Rodman after this year? What do you think of him?

Neil Funk: I think it will depend on whether they win the title again or not. If they do win there will be a movement to keep the team together to try again. But age becomes a factor and the salary cap factors in. Also, will Phil Jackson return? The emergence of Jason Caffey has helped their decision a little and he may be the power forward of the future.

Dennis marches to the beat of his own drummer, no question. But as far as what he gives the team, it's all positive. The negatives are the missed games and distractions. I don't think he has been as focused this year on basketball and the Bulls as he has in the past. Personally, I don't have a problem with Dennis but I have had very limited communications with him.

Mike: Do you see Phil Jackson or Michael Jordan leaving should the Bulls win it all this year? Where would they go? Orlando?

Neil Funk: I think the key to answering that is that they both have one-year contracts. Phil's contract lets him talk to teams that have not made the playoffs right now. I think there will be plenty of opportunities for him. Phil has made it clear that he would prefer to remain the head coach of the Bulls as long as Michael is here. Michael has said the same thing about Phil. Much of this will be determined by how they finish this year. Jerry Reinsdorf has said he will try and keep the team together if they win it again. I don't think money will be an issue in signing these guys to new contracts.

Mike: Talk a little bit about the defensive matchups with Juwan Howard and Chris Webber.

Neil Funk: Washington presents lots of problems for the Bulls. First, their size and athleticism is tough with not only one of those guys but both. Scottie can cover one of them but not both. What makes the matchups so tough is Rod Strickland because of his ability to penetrate and get to the line. He causes players to leave their man to help and that leaves those guys open. If we can contain Rod, we match up with Chris and Juwan pretty well with Scottie and Dennis.

Michael: I heard that Charles Barkley is interested in coming to the Bulls next year. Have you heard any of the talk?

Neil Funk: Charles is a friend of mine back from my days working the 76er games, so I can tell you that he changes his mind every day. Michael and Charles are great friends off the court, so that will play into it. There isn't anyone who wouldn't want to see guys like Patrick Ewing and Charles win a championship. I think a lot of Charles' talk is about him ending his career on an up note but look at the Rockets -- I don't know how much better he can get.

Calbert: When will Jason Caffey start getting the respect that he deserves -- when Rodman leaves?

Neil Funk: I think that Jason got an opportunity when Dennis went down with the injury. But coming down the stretch, Caffey became the mainstay in the lineup and played well. He has all the potential to be a very good NBA player. The coaching staff is very high on him but he just doesn't have the experience. He will see serious minutes in the playoffs but it depends on the injury status of Rodman.

Cyclone: What areas do you think the Bulls should address in the draft?

Neil Funk: Again, that is a question that will resolve itself by how far the Bulls get this year. They will look at many questions: Will Phil be back? Will Michael be back? Will Pippen be traded (next year is his free agent year)? There are so many things involved in rebuilding (salary cap, free agency).

Revo: What preparations do you make before a game?

"It is unfair to say that the league revolves around one person. I guess you won't know until Michael leaves."
Neil Funk: As we speak I am looking at the Bullets stats. One thing about the NBA is that I am pretty familiar with are the teams in the playoffs. The only strange part is dealing with the Western Conference teams if that time comes.

I don't prepare any different for a playoff game as opposed to a regular-season game. I just review the team, their stats, what they might be doing different this time around. I like to break down the team comparisons and use that a lot. I know the players, so it is just trying to figure out the mindset of the teams coming into the games.

Nathan: Do you think the Bulls are getting the respect of being the greatest team ever in the NBA?

Neil Funk: That is a matter of opinion. That will go on until the next team comes in and dominates. I think the older players tend to view these teams with a bit of skepticism for a variety of reasons. The people who have seen a lot of these Bulls give this team a lot of respect. They realize what this team has done for the league and basketball in general.

It is just so subjective because you have to look at the Boston teams with Bob Cousy and Larry Bird and the Los Angeles teams when you are talking about dynasties. I don't know how you could ever determine who was the greatest team unless they played each other.

Aaron: Who do you think is the sleeper team to make it past the first round in this year's playoffs?

Neil Funk: My sleeper team is Orlando. However, after last night I might revise that. I thought they had a good chance of sneaking up on the Heat.

I don't think there really is a sleeper in the East unless Washington can extend the Bulls. Lots of teams are playing well.

In the West, I think it is Portland because they have had great success against the Lakers this season. But remember I picked Orlando.

Packmann: Any comment on Wilt's statement that the NBA would be nothing without Jordan? How do you see the Bullets series, sweep?

Neil Funk: I think that is offbase. I have been in the league 22 years and to say that is a mistake. The NBA has made giant strides and there are many people responsible for that -- David Stern and the players, for example.

Many said there would never be any great players after Dr. J, Cousy, Walton, Wilt, etc. It is unfair to say that the league revolves around one person. I guess you won't know until Michael leaves. The league is flourishing and I think there is enough talent to keep it at a high level. There real question will be not what the league is like when Michael leaves, but when he leaves along with Barkley, Ewing, John Stockton and Karl Malone, among others. That will be the true test.

On the Bullets series: I don't think the Bulls will sweep. The Bulls have a huge experience advantage but the Bullets have come on at the right time. Again, I don't think they will sweep but the Bulls are great in the first round.

Lawrence: Give me your impression of Gheorghe Muresan, please.

Neil Funk: I think he is a guy who has turned himself into a pretty good basketball player with hard work. If you have followed his career you would know how far he has come. He is one of the most improved players, comparing him to when he came into the league. His size and his ability to changes offenses is dramatic. He has worked hard at his own offense and you now have to be attentive to that. He has just worked so hard and deserves the success he has had.

Brent: Do you prefer broadcasting NBA basketball to the other sports that you have done?

Neil Funk: Yes. A strong yes. I very much believe in the NBA and my first love is basketball. This is the highest level of basketball anywhere in the world. I am lucky to have been doing this for so long.

Before I go, I will give you my predictions:

I still think Seattle and the Bulls will have a rematch. With that being said, I would like to see the Bulls versus Utah or Houston. I would like to see both Malone and Barkley get a chance to win it all.

Thanks for the questions, and maybe I can do this again sometime soon. Take care!

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