All-Star Game


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Rookie game

Knight: Bulls did him a favor

Los Angeles Lakers rookie Travis Knight made a special All-Star Game visit to chat prior to the Rookie Game. He told users what he has learned from Shaq, his feelings toward the Bulls after being released and what he sees as the future for the Lakers.

In case you missed his Feb. 8 chat, here is an edited transcript:

David: What was the main reason that you did not want to play overseas when the Bulls told you they wanted you to?

Travis Knight: I had been overseas before, so I knew what it was like over there. I always wanted to play in the NBA and it was a dream of mine. It was a last resort to go over there.

Zsan: Do you think you're going to stay with the Lakers at the end of the year?

Travis Knight: I have a one-year deal but I have been very happy with this team. They are very young and I hope I get to stay.

Lacker fan: Does Shaq ever teach you post-up moves and do you ever play one-on-one?

Travis Knight: We have different post-up moves for obvious reasons. He has more of a power game. When we play one-on-one he thinks he can dribble and I just push him outside.

Pete: Were you dissapointed that you didn't get a lot of minutes in the game against the Bulls? Did you want to prove something against the team that drafted you?

"The future is wide open as far as how good this team could be."
Travis Knight: Acutally I don't have any bad feelings towards the Bulls. They did me a favor by letting me be a free agent. Look at me now.

Pete: How did you feel when you were introduced as a starter for the first time in the NBA at the start of the game against the Clippers the other night?

Travis Knight: It was very exciting. My family was in the crowd.

Shaqman: How do you think you will do in the rookie game?

Travis Knight: I think we will do well. We don't have the big names and the East has been talking trash. So we will try and play as a team and beat them up.

HuskyJeff: How does it feel to be playing against guys from UConn? Is it any more pressure or does it relax you?

Travis Knight: I like to play against Ray Allen because he talks a lot and his mouth goes faster than the rest of him.

Mike: What kind of rookie hazing goes on with the Lakers? Have the vets made life tough for you, especially on the road?

Travis Knight: Most of the hazing was done in training camp. It wasn't too bad. It was like carrying Shaq's shoes and getting the vets water at practice.

Dakotah: What do you think of Kobe Bryant, and can he win the slam dunk competition?

Travis Knight: He is a very talented player. He needs a little time and experience. I think he will be awesome someday.

I think he can win the dunk contest. He is very long and that enables him to do some dunks that others can't. He does a windmill slam that others can't quite duplicate.

Swarms: Was it a big transition going from college to the pros?

Travis Knight: Yes. Basketball wise, on the court, it was big but off the court it was huge. The traveling, the media, all the distractions, but I am still having fun. I can see how tough it could be for Michael Jordan. I see it first hand with Shaq.

Ryan: Do you think you were indirectly responsible for the great game that Elden had because of your strong play recently?

Travis Knight: No, I think Elden just needed to step up in a big game. That is a sign of a true competitor, to step up when your teams needs you.

ISU man: What's it like to play for a team with such young talent?

Travis Knight: It is very exciting. The future is wide open as far as how good this team could be. We get on the court and the average age is 23-24 and that is scary.

Bud: Do you think that the Lakers could keep up with the Bulls in the NBA Finals if you were to play them?

Travis Knight: I think that right now we are in first place in the West and have beaten the good teams a couple of times. We have beaten the teams that we need to to win a championship and that gives us confidence. But the playoffs are a different story. There is a lot of basketball left to be played this season so we are not trying to think about the end of the season yet.

That is all the time I have for now. Thanks for all the questions.

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