All-Star Game


All-Star Game


Michael Jordan explains why the 1997 All-Star game may be his last.
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Jordan isn't eager to see former coach Doug Collins use him a lot.
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Conversation with Michael Jordan

ESPNET SportsZone

CLEVELAND -- After skipping the Friday media session for a little enjoyment, Michael Jordan arrived in Cleveland in time for Saturday's all-star practice and inevitable media grilling. ESPNET SportsZone's Jason Yellin caught up with the game's current greatest player to talk about Jordan's absence Friday, his future with the Bulls, and whether he would join the Denver Nuggets if Nike purchased the club, among other things.

Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan says he's not afraid of the concept of retirement.
SportsZone: What are your impressions of this year's All-Star Weekend?

Jordan: Well I'm kind of used to them. I've gone through quite a few of them. It's amazing how big it has gotten with all of the press. I think it's more press than the people coming. It's still a lot of fun. I get a chance to hang out with the guys and get to know them. That's the special treat for me, more than anything else.

SZ: Where were you yesterday? Were you out golfing with Charles Barkley?

Jordan: I took the day off to relax. A little bit of golf. If I had come yesterday it would have been two days of this. I just played a little golf, so you figure it out. Somewhere warm. Charles didn't play with me. I didn't see Charles that much until we flew in last night. I made sure he got to the hotel; that's all I had to do. We didn't play in the same group.

SZ: When you look forward to the rest of the season, what do you see?

Jordan: We have to stay healthy first of all. We have to get Dennis (Rodman) back and get him accustomed to how we've been playing over the last 10 or 11 games. Hopefully, he can blend in and pick up where he left off with the enthusiasm that he brings to the court. We just can't miss a beat. Teams are going to come at us and try to position themselves to play against us. I think as a team we have to be ready to face all challenges and continue to improve as a unit.

SZ: Could this be one of the last times you are at this event?

Jordan: I realize it could be. I try to enjoy the moment. Every step I take each and every day that could be my last. I try to enjoy every moment. When I go into cities that I haven't been into or maybe go to once a year, I try to enjoy the city and enjoy the fans and the media because I may not do it again. That's reality, it's not sad. It's an opportunity that I truly have enjoyed the moments.

SZ: Is retirement getting a little closer?

Jordan: It could be. It could be over at the end of the year if they don't want to sign me. If they want to change to a whole different direction and rebuild. (Rebuilding) is going to happen, sooner or later. I'm a realist. I'm not going to sit here and say it can't happen. I think it could happen and I just have to deal with it. I'm not afraid of it by no means. I've had an excellent career, and when it's my time to go again, I go.

SZ: Are you saying that the Bulls might want to make a change?

Jordan: Sure, if they don't want to re-sign Phil (Jackson). That certainly is an indication that they want to change. If they don't re-sign Phil, I'd go play somewhere else. But I make the choice of going to play somewhere else, or I make the choice or not to play for someone other than Phil.

SZ: So, you're either playing with Phil wherever he goes or staying in Chicago?

Jordan: If Phil's in Chicago, I'm in Chicago. I don't want to play for any other city. Because I know me and I love Chicago. For me to go somewhere else and play, it's just not quite the same. If they choose not to bring Phil back -- because of what he brings to the table, and his leadership and what he has done for Chicago, then they are sending me a message as well. (If) they need to rebuild, they want to rebuild, they want to start somewhere else, I can take a hint.

SZ: If Phil Knight and Nike become involved with the Denver Nuggets franchise would you go there to play for them?

Jordan: No. If they get involved with them, I wish them all of the good luck in the world.

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