Worm turned away; Oprah nixes Rodman appearance

Associated Press

Showdown verdict: No corporate dollars for Rodman

NEW YORK -- Talk show host Oprah Winfrey has dropped basketball bad boy Dennis Rodman from her show because his new book is too risqué.

Dennis Rodman
The psychedelic-haired hoops star, famous for his outlandish publicity stunts and sexual candor, dressed up in a white wedding gown and a platinum wig last year to sign autographs for his last book, "Bad As I Wanna Be."

Winfrey spokeswoman Connie St. John said Tuesday that Rodman's appearance was canceled after learning of the content in new book, "Walk on the Wild Side." A planned taping was canceled, she said.

"After reviewing Dennis Rodman's new book, we decided it would be inappropriate to promote it to our viewers," Winfrey's program said in a statement.

In his obscenity-laced tome, the Chicago Bulls star claims he once had an affair with a transsexual, dates mostly white women because black women ignored him before he became a star, and plans to change his name legally to "Orgasm."

Responding to Madonna's anger that Rodman revealed intimacies of an affair the two had years ago, he apologizes but adds, "We're not exactly talking about the Virgin Mary here."

The book "isn't for everyone," conceded Carole Baron, the president of Dell, which published Rodman's book. "But Rodman's fans will love it."

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