Bulls vs. Bullets

Showdown verdict: May 2, 1997

No corporate dollars for Rodman

The Worm's endorsement future is so bright he has to wear shades.
Enough is enough, said ESPNET SportsZone users. In very close voting, Zone users said they are tired of Dennis Rodman and his on-court and off-court antics. They believe it is an injustice that Rodman is in line to make $8.5 million dollars in endorsements and think corporations should put an end to Rodman as the endorser. The Zone's Mitch Gleman and Wayne Robbins agree with the majority of Zone users and say it is time to stop rewarding Rodman for his outlandish behavior. On the flip side, Sports Business Daily Publisher Jeffrey Pollack, says that while Rodman may not be as wholesome as milk, many Americans identify with him. Read their comments and then check out what users had to say. That should be enough for you to make up your own mind.

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